This data changes almost daily as our technology is under constant development. In order to meet our customers’ needs, we strive to use the latest cutting-edge technology solutions that are 100% in accordance with the EU standards.
We are currently working in a 2000m² production hall with a 15,000 kg of dry pasta per day production capacity.
There are six pieces of silos 8000 kg each for the storage of our basic material, the bulk flour. Thanks to Géza Virág mill technician, these silos are technologically capable for mixing 3 or even 4 kinds of raw materials and additives anytime and by any proportions. It works with the push of a single button with the needs of our customers in mind.
The process of pasta manufacturing is fully automated and computer-controlled. From the process of sifting and aspiration of flour to the semi-finished dough, everything is done without human involvement.
Given the high technology La Parmigiana C300 and C320 machineries, the quality of the pasta is always in line with all expectations.
The pre-mixer part of the machines homogenizes the ingredients and evenly distributes liquids in the dry materials.
The mixed raw material passes through knead into the vacuum kneading machine. The removal of unnecessary moisture prevents forming air pockets in the dough, which could otherwise deteriorate the cooking properties of the pasta.
Then, the still soft dough is forced through various dies to get its final shape by slow, gentle, low-pressure compression, while ensuring the protection of its structure. Size cutting out of different shapes also happens here.
In a next step, the fresh dough is transferred to the unique European pre-dryer machine for pasteurization, where it is treated with steam at 120 °C. As a result not only bacteria that may occur in the raw material is destroyed, but by revealing the starch found in the dough, its structure can be made more flexible and its cooking properties can also be improved. Subsequently, the dough can give a higher enjoyment value to its consumers.
At the final stage of the production process, the dough is dried in a computer driven drying chamber, which is properly set to the right program.
The small size pasta is packed by machines and the long-stranded pasta by hand. Then, the ready packs are put in bags and cartons and stored at the warehouse to wait for customer orders.